Friday, September 7, 2007

Packing for China

So finally we are going China.

It's been a really hectic week. The planning for China have been dramatic. The permit for a gig we were supposed to do at club in Beijing was revoked. We heard stories that the police had pulled the pluggs when Sonic Youth played earlier this year and that their support band got fined.

Then later that day we got word saying we could do the gig but three days earlier... same day as we land. What can we say but fine! Lets go for it!

We are leaving Europe tonight. Will keep posting pictures during our stay in China. Check back often!


Timber said...

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, that everything will be fine and you'll have a great time :O)
(And don't forget to come back savely - we need you here *g*)

Claudi said...

you are missed already.
i hope you guys have a great gig in china.

Malena said...

Enjoy it!

Kaperucita said...

Ohh! What a cute kitty! =)

Irish said...

Oh! what a FAT kitty!!! :D

Diva Deficiency said...

One day you guys have to make it down to Newfoundland and Labrador. Specifically a small town by the name of Marystown! =) Good luck with the show!

Zoe Wolfe said...

Hope eveything gets sorted out for the best; cj, your cat is quite adorable =] meow.

Alice said...

Det är väl en av C-Js katter den där lilla lurviga saken? Fick för mig att han har katter.. :D

Nåväl min kompis som numera bor i Kina berättade om er spelning på popfestivalen och hon fick till och med komma backstage. Den jävla lyckosten! Orättvist ju. Men hon skulle skicka ett av Björns plektrum som hon fångade under konserten till mig så.. Är ganska nöjd ändå haha.

anna said...

Det kommer nog bli toppen, hela världen älskar er ;)

Anonymous said...

Don´t forget Mats in China.
Good luck to you guys!

Cajsa said...
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Cajsa said...

Wô ài mando diao;)

Diva Deficiency said...

Could you guys preeeeeeetty please update this blog as much as the other one? Translators don't help at all! =(

Eriko said...

oh! cute cat:)
i hope everythings going well!
Good luck!!!

Maggie said...

good luch with everything in China.
I'm sure it will be great!

oh and (apparently CJ's cat), the kitty is cute. I hope he doesnt have to travel in the guitar case though.

Aino.Maria said...

"We are leaving Europe tonight. Will keep posting pictures during our stay in China. Check back often!"

en månad sen..?

Kaperucita said...

Where are you...?! =(
To China with love... =*

Hillan-Pillan said...

oppdatert blogg må jeg si.. :/

Anika said...
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